Our community has a long history of great cultural significance and RANA is committed to become the platform to popularize it. We are dedicatedly working to keep and enhance Rajasthani values and standards in this age of social diffusion and individualistic orientation. Our goal is to protect, preserve and spread the indelible footprints left by our ancestors in the form of Rajasthani heritage.
RANA’s ultimate aim lies in becoming the standard flag bearer of the community and its legacy. Rajasthan, its history, culture and art have been able to capture global imagination. Rich embodiment of oriental values, the social traditions and inspiring customs continues from generation to generation. Many of these values hold significance in the modern life and we endeavor to uphold their usability in the present context.
Apart from the propagation of community values, RANA also seeks to effect all-around development in the lives of Rajasthanis. It focuses on enhancing social, cultural, intellectual and economic aspects through aptitude inculcation, skill building, capacity development and attitude nurturing. Our concept of cultural enhancement does not infringe on individual lives, but facilitates them through participatory adoption. There is no complexity, but complementary additions for a better living.